HTML5 and CSS3: Baby Steps

So you’re ready to plunge into the brave new world of HTML 5, huh? Technically, the W3C working group started working on the HTML 5 standard in 2004 and released its first working draft in 2008. As of February 2012, no final specification exists. Eight years without a finished product doesn’t sound particularly brave or new. On the upside, non-revolutionary changes are pretty easy to transition into. In fact, if your current markup is strictly HTML 4.01 compliant, then it is mostly HTML 5 compliant already.

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Responsive Web Design: Baby Steps

So you’re ready to take the plunge into responsive web design? Well hold on there, partner. Your enthusiasm is good but let’s make sure we’ve done our homework, too. First things first, make sure you have the following development essentials:

  • Fresh coffee: keep that enthusiasm going.
  • Good music: creativity needs good mojo.
  • A comfy chair: your backside will thank you.

Ready now? Ok, let’s dive in.

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